Unlock Your Ambitions:
Propel Your Ideas With SIT and AI

Our Mission_ Guiding Your AI Journey_
We help people understand how to use unexplainable models in a responsible manner and how these models can augment, rather than replace human creativity. Innovation Acceleration’s mission is to empower organizations to unlock their creative potential through the integration of advanced AI technologies and structured innovation frameworks. We aim to accelerate the innovation process, enabling companies to generate and activate impactful ideas efficiently and effectively.
The AI Process
New LLM and GenAI models have the ability to assume any role, in any discipline, in any industry to extend the limits of human creativity and innovation, guided by human judgment and empathy.
Guiding Your Journey
Our proven team of experts in creativity and artificial intelligence will guide you through the process of creating customized, industry leading product, process, strategy, and marketing innovation.
The SIT Process
A proven framework that provides a systematic and repeatable approach to creative thinking that can be applied across domains and industries to transform Products, Processes, and Strategy.
The Tools_
What is SIT?
Systematic Inventive Thinking (SIT) is a proven framework of innovation based on patterns of the mind and principles of creativity that regulate your thinking and channels the ideation process.  It consists of five generalized patterns of innovation, and four principles that when used together can create innovative products.
Server rack closeup Server rack closeup Server rack closeup
What is NLP?
Natural Language Processing (NLP), a subset of AI currently includes a family of Large Language Models (LLMs) and generative AI (GenAI) tools trained on the most extensive corpus of human knowledge ever assembled. As more of these tools are combined into a single agent, it is known as a Multi-Modal Language (MML).
JavaScript code JavaScript code JavaScript code
The Process_
The 5 Patterns
1. Subtraction - Good for removing an essential component from a product or system and then finding ways to work without it. It is best used in situations where there is a need to simplify a product or process, reduce costs, or eliminate unnecessary components. At times this can employ replacing the element subtracted with something new. This is knows as ‘subtract and replace.’
AI image of a person reading a tablet
AI image of people communicating over text, email, and video
2. Multiplication - Good for duplicating a component but making a slight change in its’ properties or functions. It is best used in situations where there is a need to enhance functionality, improve redundancy, or cater to different user needs.
AI image of people communicating over text, email, and video
3. Division - Good for dividing a product or its components into smaller parts and then rearranging them. It is best used in situation where there is a need for modularity, customization, or adaptability.
AI image of two rear view mirrors attached to each other
AI image of a person holding a flashlight and a phone
4. Task Unification - Good for assigning a new task to an existing component of a product or system. It is best used in situations where there is a need to add value without adding a component, or when looking to streamline the process.
AI image of a person holding a flashlight and a phone
5. Attribute Dependency - Good for creating or eliminating dependencies between attributes of a product or it's environment. It is best used in situations where there's a need to adapt to changing conditions or user preferences.
AI image of a person wearing light reactive glasses
The 4 Principles
1. Fixedness refers to the cognitive biases that limit our ability to perceive things differently from how we are accustomed to. In the context of SIT, there are primarily three types of Fixedness when it comes to innovation: Functional, Structural, and Relational.
AI image with a series of interlocking puzzle pieces
AI image with several components orbiting a lightbulb contained in a bubble over the horizon
2. The "Closed World" Principle in SIT suggests that innovative solutions to a problem can often be found by only using elements that are already present within the product or system's immediate environment. In other words, instead of looking outside for new components or ideas, one should focus on creatively manipulating and reconfiguring the existing elements.
AI image with several objects orbiting a lightbulb contained in a bubble over the horizon
3. Principle of Constraint emphasizes the idea that limitations can act as catalysts for creativity and innovation. Instead of perceiving constraints as barriers, this principle encourages viewing them as challenges that can drive inventive solutions.
AI image of a person creating inside of a bubble surrounded by a dangerous world
4. Function Follows Form (FFF) is a principle in SIT that reverses the conventional design thinking approach. Instead of starting with a problem and seeking a solution (function leading to form), FFF suggests first imagining a new form or configuration and then seeking a useful purpose or function for it.
Winding dotted line with an arrow
  1. Framing the Challenge - Adding Context - Principle of Constraints

  2. Define the Closed World - List the Elements - Closed World Principle

  3. Pattern Selection - Apply to components - Generate Ideas

  4. Visualize the Product - Define Name and Image - Break Fixedness

  1. What is the Benefit? Should we do it? Market Filter and Empathy

  2. Can we do it? Feasibility? Implementation Filter. Adapt and Refine, Repeat Process, Scale Your Closed World if necessary
* How we implement FFF
AI image of a person using Play-Doh to clean soot off a wall
Originally designed to clean soot from walls when coal and wood burning stoves were in use. Once gas and electricity became common Play-Doh had form but no function until teachers began using it as a modeling clay for children. Multiply the colors and divide the tools and new function follows from an existing form
AI image of children playing with Play-Doh in a classroom
What is AI_
1. Large Language Models (LLM): Imagine having a conversation with a highly knowledgeable friend who has read almost everything on the internet. That's what a Large Language Model is like. It's a computer program trained on a vast library of digital content, enabling it to understand and respond in natural language, much like a human would.
AI image of a person standing in front of a large head hologram surrounded by graphs
AI image of a holographic human silhouette with digital and circuitry elements
2. Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG): This is like having a research assistant embedded within our Large Language Model. Whenever you ask a question or discuss a topic, this assistant quickly fetches the latest, most relevant information from the internet or specific databases to enhance the conversation, making sure the responses are up-to-date and informed by the latest available data.
AI image of a holographic human silhouette with digital and circuitry elements
3. Image Generation - GenAI: Imagine describing a scene, character, or object to an artist and then watching them bring it to life in a drawing or painting. GenAI works similarly, but it's a digital artist. You provide a description in words, and it generates a unique image or video that visually represents your description. It's like translating language into visuals.
AI image of a colorful cosmic explosion blending technology and nature themes, featuring vibrant clouds integrated with digital elements
AI image of a glowing human brain silhouette against a dark background, interconnected with glowing circuit traces
4. Multi-Modal Language (MML) models: Think of a Swiss Army Knife, but for digital tasks. Multi-Modal Language models combine different abilities - like text generation, image creation, and audio production - into one tool. They're versatile, able to handle various requests, such as writing a poem, creating an image, or even composing music. Some advanced versions also include the research assistant feature (RAG), making them even more powerful and resourceful.
AI image of a glowing human brain silhouette against a dark background, interconnected with glowing circuit traces
How it Works_
Frame Challenge
Define Closed World
Select Pattern
Generate Ideas
Visualize The Product
Activation Plan
Image Generation
Leveraging unique combinations of LLM, RAG, MML, and Generative AI models at each step of the innovation process.